Ace the Certified Dietary Manager Exam 2024 – Spice Up Your Success!

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Which of the following is considered to be an example of a potential biological hazard?

A chef washing hands before food preparation

A cook sneezes while preparing fresh fruit plates

A cook sneezing while preparing fresh fruit plates is considered a potential biological hazard because sneezing can introduce harmful bacteria or viruses onto the food, leading to food contamination and potential foodborne illnesses. It is crucial for food handlers to maintain good personal hygiene practices, such as covering their mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing, to prevent the spread of pathogens onto food. Washing hands before food preparation, using sanitized cutting boards, and storing food containers properly are practices that help reduce the risk of biological hazards in food service operations.

Using sanitized cutting boards for meat and vegetables

Storing food containers properly in the refrigerator


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